The process of choosing a nursing home for an elderly loved one is something that many in Charleston, WV, have experienced. In fact, in the U.S., there are an estimated 1.3 million individuals living in long-term nursing facilities. While these individuals often receive quality care at a nursing home, abuse and neglect at these facilities are also not uncommon. Unfortunately, many cases of abuse go unreported, making it difficult to know if you’re picking the right facility for your loved one.
In order to help keep your loved ones safe, we have detailed the signs that indicate that your loved one might be experiencing nursing home abuse or neglect, as well as some of the solutions that our nursing home abuse lawyers can provide if your loved one is being abused. Read on for information on how to identify nursing home abuse in Charleston, WV.
What Are the Signs of Elder Abuse in Nursing Homes?
There are several different types of elder abuse and neglect that can occur in nursing homes, and each type can present different signs. This includes:
Physical Abuse: Physical abuse occurs when an individual is kicked, punched, or otherwise physically injured or physically restrained. Signs of physical abuse include bruises, pressure marks, broken bones, abrasions, or burns.
- Emotional Abuse: This form of abuse can include verbally insulting, demeaning, or threatening the individual or isolating them from friends, family members, or activities as a form of power or control over the elder. Signs of emotional abuse can include an unexplained withdrawal from activities that were previously enjoyed, unexplained depression or a sudden change in alertness, relationships that are intense or strained, and other personality changes, such as new fearfulness or insomnia.
- Financial Exploitation: Financial abuse occurs in nursing homes when a staff member or another resident steals money or property belonging from the elder, or convinces the elder to make withdrawals from their bank account or to provide lavish gifts in exchange for care. It can also occur in the form of the elder’s will and testament being changed to benefit their caregiver. The most common symptom of this type of abuse is a sudden and unexplained change to the elder’s finances.
- Neglect: This form of abuse results from the facility’s inability to attend to the elder’s basic needs. Some signs of neglect include new or worsening bedsores, dehydration, poor hygiene, or unintended weight loss.
Other signs that your loved one may be receiving inadequate nursing home care include unanswered phone calls and a chaotic environment in the nursing home that can indicate a shortage of staff members, as well as staff members who are unable or unwilling to answer questions about the care your loved one is receiving. If you notice any of these signs, report them to the authorities and contact Stewart Bell, PLLC, right away.
We’re Here to Help You Identify Nursing Home Abuse
If you know or have reason to suspect that your loved one has been subjected to any type of abuse or neglect in a nursing home facility, our experienced Charleston, WV, nursing home abuse lawyers can provide information on reporting that abuse to the state authorities, as well as help you determine the legal options for holding the facility responsible for the physical and emotional damage caused by their mistreatment. For a free case review with Stewart Bell, PLLC, contact us today.