Depressed elderly woman sitting on a bed in the dark in a nursing home room

Has Your Elderly Loved One Been Abused or Neglected?

Call our elder abuse lawyers today to seek the justice and compensation your family deserves.

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Elder facilities and caregivers have a duty to provide a high level of care and respect for seniors. For years, hundreds of thousands of seniors have been subjected to neglect, abuse, and exploitation. And for years, our attorneys have been helping individuals demand justice for such wrongdoing. If your elderly loved one has been abused or neglected by their caregiver, your family has rights.

Seniors deserve to be treated with respect and compassion. Learning that your loved one was mistreated can be utterly devastating and infuriating. Our Charleston, WV, elder abuse lawyers have been protecting the rights of abused or neglected seniors in Charleston, Dunbar, Huntington, and cities across the state for over 30 years. If your loved one has been hurt by their caregiver, don’t wait to call our office to find out how we can demand justice and compensation for your family.

Getting Help
Is Easy

During such a traumatic time, we make getting the legal help you need as easy as possible. All you have to do is call us and we’ll do everything we can to help you and your family.

Your Family
Deserves Justice

If your elderly loved one has been abused or neglected, your family has rights. Our experienced team is ready to uphold those rights and fight for the justice and compensation you deserve.

No Fee Unless
We Win

We believe that everyone should have access to quality legal representation. That’s why we work on a contingency fee basis. This means it won’t cost you anything to hire our attorneys and you won’t owe us a dime unless we win for you!


We Know What You’re Going Through

It is a terrible injustice to prey on a helpless individual under the ruse of care and aid. Many of our clients with elder abuse claims are hurt, angry, and scared of the possibility of it happening again. We understand the heartbreak and anger you’re going through. You trusted these individuals to care for your loved one as you would, and your trust was betrayed in the worst way possible.

The pain and stress over what to do next can be unbearable. We want you to know that we’re here to help you through this difficult time. Our Charleston, WV, elder abuse lawyers know the laws and regulations surrounding these cases and can handle the hassles of the legal process so you can focus on the health and safety of your elderly loved one. We will stop at nothing to help you hold the responsible party liable for their horrible actions.

Has Your Loved One Suffered Abuse or Neglect?

Don’t wait to take action. The sooner you call us, the sooner we can get started on your case. It’s our job to fight for every dollar your family is owed!

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Do I Have a Case?

Elder abuse isn’t just physical abuse in the form of bruises or cuts. Abuse comes in many forms, and it’s important to understand the different types of abuse to keep your loved one safe. You may be able to seek justice and compensation if your loved one suffered any of the following:

  • Physical abuse: Physical pain or injury, including but not limited to hitting, kicking, pushing, or slapping.
  • Emotional abuse: Deliberate behaviors that cause emotional pain or distress, such as disrespect, harassment, and humiliation.
  • Sexual abuse: Forced or unwanted sexual activity involving an older adult, including sexual harassment or physical, sexual contact.
  • Verbal abuse: Words used to demean, scare, or control an older adult, which may include threats and yelling.
  • Neglect: Failure to provide an older adult’s basic living needs, such as eating, drinking, clothing, hygiene, and medical care.
  • Financial exploitation: Stealing, hiding, or misusing an older adult’s money or personal property. This may include mishandling financial accounts, stealing cash, forging signatures, or engaging in identity theft.

In each state, you have a specific amount of time to pursue legal remedies for crimes or personal losses. This is called a statute of limitations. In West Virginia, the statute of limitations varies for criminal and civil cases. Elder abuse is unique in that it is considered both criminal and civil. Criminal because it is against the law to cause abuse and civil because you may also be able to seek compensation. It’s important to speak with an experienced Charleston, WV, elder abuse lawyer, like those at Stewart Bell, PLLC, about the statute of limitations regarding your case and whether or not you are still eligible to pursue justice and compensation.

How Can a Lawyer Help?

Elder abuse cases are difficult to detect, let alone prove. If your loved one was abused by a caregiver, you may be able to take legal action against the individual caregiver. Even if you’re unsure about filing a claim, meeting with our experienced lawyers can help you understand the details of your case and your options. If you do pursue a claim, your lawyer can help you compile the evidence, fill out paperwork, prepare your loved one for a potential court hearing, interview witnesses, and negotiate a potential settlement. Most importantly, you will have an advocate fighting for your family’s rights during a stressful time.

What Comes Next?

Contact us to discuss your case with an experienced attorney today. You don’t even have to leave your couch!

Your lawyer will gather all the documentation, witness statements, relevant bills, and other evidence to build a strong case on your behalf.

Your lawyer will be your compassionate advocate in negotiating for the justice and compensation you and your family deserve.

Though most cases are settled out of court, your lawyer will handle all the paperwork and formalities involved if your case does go to court. Your lawyer will also advocate for you in front of the court and ensure that your side of the story is heard.

Once we receive a fair settlement offer, your lawyer will contact you to present the offer and discuss your options. If you accept, we’ll get you your check as soon as possible.

Warning Signs of Abuse

Sadly, elder abuse is a largely hidden issue. Many cases happen behind closed doors and go undetected because seniors can be too scared or sickly to warn anyone that they’re being mistreated.

For this reason, it’s vital that you know the signs that can indicate that your elderly loved one is being abused. Visit and speak with your loved one on a regular basis. If you witness any of these common signs of abuse or have any reason to believe your loved one’s caregiver is mistreating them, notify the proper authorities and call our Charleston, WV, elder abuse lawyers to discuss your legal options.

Here are some of the most common warning signs of elder abuse:

  • Bruises, abrasions, burns, or broken bones.
  • Unusual depression or sudden withdrawal from normal activities.
  • Bites, bruises, or marks around the breasts or genital area, which may be indicative of sexual abuse.
  • Financial instability that is sudden or unexpected. This may be the result of financial exploitation.
  • Bedsores, lack of proper medication dispersal, poor hygiene, or unusual weight loss, which may indicate neglect or abandonment.
  • Showing fear around a particular caregiver.
  • Malnourishment or dehydration.

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Elder Abuse FAQs

Elder abuse refers to any caregiver that inflicts harm or poses a serious risk of harm to an older individual. This can include physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, neglect, and theft.

While many signs of elder abuse are physical, there are also many non-physical signs that can be harder to identify. Learn about some of the most common signs to look out for that may indicate that your loved one has become a victim of elder abuse:

  • Bed sores, broken bones, bruises, sudden weight loss
  • Isolation, depression, mood swings, personality changes
  • Poor hygiene, dirty clothes or bedding
  • Improper administration of medication
  • Unexpected changes in their financial situation, inability to pay their bills, unusual purchases

If you suspect elder abuse, it’s so important to notify the proper authorities. If your loved one is in immediate danger, call the police. If they are not under an immediate threat, contact Adult Protective Services (APS).

If APS determines your loved one’s caregiver is violating West Virginia elder abuse laws, they will send a caseworker to investigate the situation.

Spend time with your loved one and maintain regular contact to help ensure they’re receiving proper care. The more involved you are, the more likely you are to spot any changes in behavior or their physical well-being.

Yes. According to West Virginia law, if someone is convicted of violent crimes against a person 65 or older, they must serve their court-ordered sentence without suspension or probation.

If your loved one suffered abuse or exploitation at the hands of their caregiver, you may be able to take legal action against that person or facility. However, the legal system is complex and caregivers, elder care facilities, and the companies that insure them will likely try to escape responsibility.

Having a Charleston, WV, elder abuse lawyers on your side will not only make navigating this process easier for you and your family, but also give you the best chance of receiving the full amount you deserve for your losses.

At Stewart Bell, PLLC, our Charleston, WV, elder abuse lawyers work on a contingency-fee basis. We’re committed to helping victims of elder abuse and their families across West Virginia fight for the compensation they deserve for any damages associated with the abuse. Which means, you’ll never owe us anything unless we win your case!

Request a Free Consultation

For more than 30 years, the lawyers of Stewart Bell, PLLC have helped the people and businesses of West Virginia protect their interests and rights. We understand the issues that injured people and their families face after an accident and work quickly to obtain the MAXIMUM amount of compensation for every case we handle.

We have recovered MILLIONS of dollars for clients injured because of nursing home abuse, motor vehicle accidents or medical malpractice.

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